Cancelled Trains
NTES or the National Train Enquiry System is a part of integrated coaching management system. This site is developed and maintained by CRIS or Centre for Railway Information System. The website is designed to provide information regarding trains of Indian Railways and find cancelled trains.
Here you can spot your train, know about live stations, trains between stations, cancellation of trains, and diversion of routes of trains. The site updates you with the latest and reliable information for cancellation of trains, diversion of route of trains with other important information which is very helpful for the people travelling through Indian railways.
The general information regarding cancelation and diversion of routes of trains along with other information is available to the passenger through internet, or SMS.
Problems Faced by People to Cancel a Reservation!
Indian railways always try to maintain timings and routings between stations. But sometime due to unavoidable circumstances there may be a delay in departure of the trains and thus resulting in late arrival at the destined station.
Sometime it may be that the train route has been diverted due to technical problems or maintenance work. At times this delay causes a chaotic situation for the passengers travelling. A passenger may be on a schedule. He may book a ticket keeping that train schedule in mind. Now if there has been a delay, it may affect his schedule.
But if he is already aware of the cancellation or diversion of route then he can re write his schedule and can manage his timings through other ways. So the NTES website provides this useful information to the passenger by saving a passenger from a chaotic situation.
How to Find Cancelled Trains on NTES?
How to find cancelled trains? The answer to this question is the NTES website. Any passenger having the train number and start date of journey can access information regarding cancelled trains.
Here you can also find trains that are fully cancelled and also trains that are partially cancelled. There is a default list of cancelled trains. This means that the cancelled trains today are shown in the site by default. You don’t need to enter any information for the default list. You can also search for Special Trains on Indian Railways website in a similar way.
Procedure to Find Cancelled Trains on NTES Website
This is a detailed procedure for finding cancelled trains that are fully cancelled or trains that are partially cancelled, in the NTES website.
Procedure to Find Fully Cancelled Trains
- The first thing you have to do is visit the NTES official website, which is
- Click on the tab which says “Train cancelled”. After clicking on the tab, the list of trains fully cancelled on that day is shown by default.
- Enter train number and date to find your train. You will immediately get information if the train is cancelled or not.
Procedure to Find Partially Cancelled Trains
- Go to the NTES website.
- Click on the “Train cancelled tab”.
- Thereafter click on the “partially cancelled trains” tab.
- Enter train number and start date.
- Entering train number and start date will show you if the train is cancelled partially or not.
So this is how you can easily complete the overall procedure of cancelled trains on Indian Railway website. For more details on cancelled trains, download Indian Railway App on your Android or iOS devices.
Conclusion of Cancelled Trains
The NTES website is the best example which shows that Indian Railway is getting more and more advanced. This website is helping lots of people and saving them from chaotic situations caused due to cancelation of trains.
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